Thema: Expanding Horizons

Top-Ten Fatal Mistakes in Implementing Scrum

When helping companies in their agile transitioning (Scrum), I found out they tend to start correctly, but short time after (usually short time after the coach is coming less and less), they 'loosen up', deviate, and get back to old (and deadly to agile) habits.
It is then when things start to go bad: processes not followed (completely changed!), decisions made are taking teams backwards, changing very important scrum aspects back to waterfall, etc. In this presentation, Alon Linetzki will discuss the top-ten of those fatal mistakes, and decisions, and how they might affect results, quality and testing.

Key mistakes discussed:

  1. Doing the practices, forgetting the core principals…
  2. Sprint planning done as feature estimated work vs capacity filling
  3. Scrum teams are distributed functional-wise based on product components
  4. The wrapping is Scrum, inside it is a V model...
  5. Keep leading as before – ‘command and control’
  6. Knowledge transfer and cross-functional knowledge is not acquired nor considered an investment
  7. Product Owner not available nor involved
  8. Having Retrospectives every Sprint end
  9. Communicating via the Scrum Master
  10. Stand Ups that Don’t end..

Alon Linetzki

SW Engineering, Quality Assurance and Testing Expert, CEO & Founder QualityWize, ISTQB Marketing WG Chair, ITCB co-founder and Vice President, SIGiST Israel Founder and Chair, ISTQB Agile Tester & ISTQB Advance Level Technical Agile Tester Co-author. Scrum Master Certified, LeSS Practitioner Certified, ISTQB Advance Level Test Manager and Test Analyst Certified, CMAP Certified, CMMi QE Certified, 'TMMi for Agile' contributor and TMMi Assessor, System Analyst Certified, Lead Quality Assessor ISO-9000 Certified.

With an experience of more than 35 years, Alon Linetzki is supporting organizations in improving their quality, development and testing processes, supporting their Agile transformation, increasing R&D and QA departments ROI, and implementing good practices in context uniquely tailored to customer’s business, technology and engineering needs.

For the last 10 years, Mr. Linetzki serves also as an Agile Transformation Coach, supporting companies in their Agile transition, and implementing good SW engineering practices while so.
Mr. Linetzki is a popular speaker at international conferences worldwide since 1995.